tvN’s New Variety Show Shares Sneak Peek Of Yoo Yeon Seok And Son Ho Jun’s Cafe

Dec 5, 2018

tvN’s new variety show “Coffee Friends” has offered a sneak peek of what to expect!
“Coffee Friends” shared their first photos on their official Instagram account recently, showing Son Ho Jun, Yoo Yeon Seok, Choi Ji Woo, and Yang Se Jong wearing aprons and posing for a photo. There were also a couple of photos of the food and beverages being offered at their cafe.
“Coffee Friends” will be a variety show that follows Yoo Yeon Seok and Son Ho Jun as they run a cafe in a tangerine farm on Jeju Island, with their profits being donated to charity. The show was inspired by the two close friends and their “Coffee Friends” donation project this year.
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안녕하세요. tvN <커피프렌즈>입니다. 손호준, 유연석 절친한 두 사람이 올 한해 시작했던 동명의 기부행사 ‘커피프렌즈’가 ⠀ 제주도 귤 밭에서 첫번째 영업을 무사히 마쳤습니다! 참여해주신 분들을 비롯하여, 여러분의 관심과 성원에 감사드립니다. ⠀ ⠀ ‘커피프렌즈’는 액수가 아닌 방식에 초점을 맞춰 ⠀ 커피 한 잔으로 누구나 즐겁게 기부에 참여하는 ⠀ ⠀ ‘퍼네이션 프로젝트’로 손님이 직접 금액을 정하는 ⠀ 가격표 없는 카페입니다. ⠀ 두 번째 영업인 오늘, ⠀ 조금이나마 더 편안한 방문이 되시길 바라며 커피프렌즈 이용방법을 설명 드리고자 합니다. ⠀ '커피프렌즈’는 100% 추첨제로 운영되며, 한정된 당일 재료로 인해 많은 분들과 함께하지 못하는 점 ⠀ 양해부탁드립니다. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ *서귀포시 안덕면 서광리 1791번지 *오전 8시 추첨번호표 배부 ⠀ *오전 11시 추첨 당첨자에 한해 개별연락 ⠀ *오후 12시 영업 시작 부족하지만 마음이 담긴 음식을 만들고 추운 겨울 여러분들과 따뜻함을 나눌 수 있는 ‘커피프렌즈’가 되도록 최선을 다하겠습니다. 감사합니다. #제주도 #커피프렌즈 #브런치카페 #귤 #감귤 #퍼네이션 #친구 #여행 #jeju #coffeefriends #cafe

Write by tvN 커피프렌즈 (@2019coffeefriends) share

Choi Ji Woo and Yang Se Jong will be the first guests on the show, and they will be working as part-time employees at the cafe. Choi Ji Woo was invited by Son Ho Jun as they had previously met through “Three Meals a Day,” while Yang Se Jong was invited by Yoo Yeon Seok as they had appeared on “Romantic Doctor Kim” together.
“Coffee Friends” is set to premiere in January 2019.

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