Please Please Please

Please Please Please

'Brothers Shinji and Nao reunite after years of parting ways. In order to get by, the pair entangle themselves in illegal enterprises. Their friend's Aoi set up for Shinji and Nao's bond once again. Their trouble lifestyle entangles many along in this 2016 drama "Please Please Please". One local city. Brothers Shinji and Nao were living their normal life. Big brother Shinji deceives young ladies with date fraud, while little brother Nao makes fictitious requests with his 3 comrades. The brothers were once together but had a fight and working separately now. Shinji speaks candied words to young ladies and guides to his fraud comrade Aoi waiting at the ruins. Lady deceived by Shinji's talk buys noble metals from Aoi. In the ruin theater which is Nao's hideout, Nao was surrounding the school teacher which they had his weakness, to make him help their fraud. They found one of their comrade Dai is betraying. Shinji who never spoken about it but he wanted to be a musician and he had an approach for a debut from the Music Studio. He was told that he needs money for it. Nao was ordered from his senior to sell a strange machine. Shinji who needs money and Nao who was ordered to sell a strange machine met at an old lady's house in a coincidence. Brothers tried to deceive the old lady who was kind to them and she gave them a lot of money. Same time Ami who was deceived by Shinji was searching his comrades. Brothers which got a lot of money moves for their dream. Brothers felt the old ladies kindness and they got a little conscience. Young people who commit a fraud like child playing, ladies who are deceived and adults involved complicatedly and they all get lost in a girl's imagination world. "Why do they do such things Why do I like them "
Released: 2016
Genres: ["Drama","Crime"]
Country: Japan
Status: Complete
