Ikinari Honyomi! Sudden Book Reading

Ikinari Honyomi! Sudden Book Reading

Suddenly reading the book! ...As the title says, this is a project where the actors read a they have never read before in front of the audience. The actors are not told in advance what they will be doing, but are given the s on stage on the day of the performance and cast in their roles on the spot. Enjoy this "rehearsal time" to create a "production" that will expand the possibilities of theater and drama! Iwai Hideto is the moderator & director of the read-through. The concept of this is a challenging impromptu read-through. The actors participating will not be notified on the subject prior to the performance. They will be handed the on the day itself & will have to read it on the spot. The cast read the of "Sanpo Suru Shinryakusha" (Before We Vanish) by Maekawa Tomohiro for Episode 2 performed by Matsu Takako, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Goto Takenori, & Ohkura Koji.
Released: 2020
Genres: ["Comedy","Drama"]
Country: Japan
Status: Complete
