Recap Korean Drama "Doctor Lawyer (2022)" Episode 13

Jul 16, 2022

After getting whacked on the head in the last episode, Guk-kwang gets ready to throw Yoon-seok under the bus and also probably get rid of Yi-han. But just as he and his thugs are about to get their hands dirty, Jayden gets there with Michael, who is apparently is like a master fighter, and gets rid of all of Guk-kwang’s men. After an extended fight sequence in the dark, Jayden almost runs the bad guy over, kicks him in the face and leaves him unconscious.

The bromance between Jayden and Yi-han is actually quite cute, and I want both of them to give up their respective partners and start dating each other.

doctor lawyer episode 13

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Jokes aside, Yi-han desperately tries to save Yoon-seok after the whole ordeal but it doesn’t look too good for him. Meanwhile, Mi-seon is shocked to learn that his trusted aid is still alive. Things are looking pretty bad for her, and she asks Jin-gi to send her their legal team, and they both go into damage control.

Meanwhile, Yi-han readies to go to speak to Tae-moon and convince him to let him in as a witness at the hearing. They stop Tae-moon on the road and ask him to let Yi-han into the witness list but he takes it as an insult and asks them not to contact him again. Yi-han, however, doesn’t back down, and with Seok-yeong’s help, they finally make a list. Meanwhile, Jin-gi asks Do-hyung to do something for him.

Jayden, meanwhile, is excited about the soaring stock prices of the R&D Center and asks Michael to short sell everything – things are going to get exciting from here, and you can see that on Jayden’s face. On the other hand, Hyun-seong is being interrogated by Seok-yeong and Eun-sil very conveniently throws Do-hyung under the bus, blaming him for changing doctors and making changes in the records.

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Yi-han later describes his plan to finally nab Jin-gi with Jayden and tells him about Ki-tae’s recording that he has gotten his hands on. He has made his plan in detail, and Jayden is left astonished with how he’s disclosing everything to him for the first time. Yi-han mentions that he trusts Jayden and is choosing to do so because he has continuously proved to be dependable.

Just as they are having this conversation, Do-hyung breaks into the clinic and asks Yi-han to represent him since he will be framed for everything that is happening in Banseok. Yi-han refuses and asks him to tell the truth at the hearing, and only then will he represent him and destroy Jin-gi as well. Jayden, listening in on the conversation, seems to be having fun at whatever is going on behind closed doors.

Meanwhile, Seok-yeong has a fallout with Kang-ho and accuses him of colluding with Jin-gi even though he knows what he did with Seok-ju. She asks him to uphold the truth at the hearing since Yi-han will be there to present the facts and evidence that he so casually refused to acknowledge. Meanwhile, Do-hyung’s intel on Yoon-seok’s condition leaves Mi-seon relieved.

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Later on, Seok-yeong and Yi-han wonder who could’ve gotten Seok-ju’s heart if it wasn’t Tae-moon – they can’t come up with an alternate name, but they decide to put him behind bars in order to reach the truth. Jayden, meanwhile, has a conversation with Jin-gi about proving his illegal heart transplant, and it seems like Jayden implies that he got Seok-ju’s heart and will prove it in one way or another.

Hyun-seong, on the other hand, has been playing detective since the last episode, and although the drug tests come back negative, he finds a curious shredded prescription for someone named Kim Young-ho from their garbage and asks his men to find out who this person is and what medication he is on.

On the day of the hearing, Jayden and Michael strategise their short-selling plans and Jin-gi gets ready to go into war. Jung Yoon-jung, who has also gotten a witness request as well, thinks back to what she had heard regarding Seok-ju and Ki-tae and what Jung-hyun had disclosed to her the other night. She gets a call from Do-hyung in the meantime and agrees to meet him before the hearing.

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Yi-han, too, is on his way to the battlefield, armed with the Ki-tae’s recording. Unfortunately, however, Do-hyung locks Jung-hyun and Yoon-jung in a room and doesn’t allow them to go to the hearing. In the basement, as he tells Jin-gi of a job well done and gets confirmation on being the new Director of Banseokwon, someone records the interaction from the shadows.

At the hearing, as Jin-gi takes oath, Yi-han asks Kang-ho why he framed him 5 years ago and reminds him that this hearing is the only time he can repent for the mistakes that he made all those years ago. Regardless, as Mi-seon gives a press conference, Yi-han gets word from Da-rom that she was the one who recorded the conversation and will post it on social media after she edits it.

Doctor Lawyer Episode 13 Ending

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

As the hearing starts and Yi-han and Kang-ho take their oaths, Jayden is stopped from enacting his plan thanks to Michael and Suzie from headquarters. As the hearing goes haywire as Yi-han presents new evidence, Jayden promises to fire Michael if he doesn’t start short selling that instant. On the other hand, Mi-seon gets the shock of his life as Yoon-seok comes back from the dead.

Back at the hearing, in Doctor Lawyer episode 13, people are shocked to hear the conversation between Ki-tae and Jin-gi while at the press conference, Seok-yeong brings out evidence against Mi-seon’s illegal political funds and arrests her on the spot. Meanwhile, at the hearing, Kang-ho takes Yi-han’s side as well and although Jin-gi tries to make light of the situation, a shocking video of him attacking Do-hyung from a few hours ago destroys any and all of his credibility.

Michael and Suzy are taken aback at the new turn of events and Jayden, infuriated, smiles, having set all of this up from with Yi-han. As the crowd at the hearing stands shocked after watching Jin-gi stab Do-hyung to death, Yi-han iterates that the man Jin-gi just murdered was the assistant director of Banseok and a witness in the hearing.

Doctor Lawyer Episode 13 Review

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Still From Doctor Lawyer Episode 13

Doctor Lawyer, still left with 3 more episodes, has found a delicious crescendo for us to fall in love with.

Is there anyone else who is also wondering that this can’t be it? I can’t believe that Jin-gi would go down this easy – there has to be something more here that he is cooking up.

Doctor Lawyer episode 13 does a fantastic job at straightening out all of its twists and turns to bring out a great episode, one filled with mystery, intrigue and a lot of plotting. Again, Jayden steals the show with his forethought and almost maniacal calculations. The way he showed his Honors Hand colleagues their rightful places is just pure class, and I am interested to watch what this means for him and them.

Moreover, Seok-yeong getting Mi-seon just as Yi-han sweeps the rug off under Jin-gi’s feet was a great touch. Making those two events occur simultaneously made watching this ordeal maddening and added a lot of intrigue to the plot. The way the show held on to its will-they won’t-they vibe is fabulous, and I promise you, you won’t be able to look away.

Doctor Lawyer episode 13 is an episode worthy of a watch and will make you come up with more questions that will hopefully be answered in the 3 other episodes to come.


