Recap Chinese Drama "The Story of Xing Fu" Episode 37

Jul 20, 2022

Xiaodouzi also had symptoms of diarrhea. Lin Guizhi told Xingfu that she sent the child to the health center. The doctor said that drinking more water would be fine, so Lin Guizhi didn't care too much. Happy but very worried, took the child's medical records to the county hospital for examination. She met Sister Guo at the hospital, and she also brought her sick child with diarrhea for examination. Sister Guo envied Xiaodouzi's well-behaved and quiet, and happiness suggested that she draw blood for her child to check whether the lead exceeded the standard, because she heard from experts that if the child is lead poisoned, it will also lead to ADHD. Sister Guo heard what she said made sense. When her child was examined, she asked Xingfu to go with her.

This eldest sister Guo is also a poor person. She and this child are the only ones left in the family. She envies happiness and her parents-in-law help take care of the children. Happiness comforts her, and after suffering, it will be sweet. Lin Guizhi was angry because she made a fuss about happiness and took her child to the county hospital for examination. At this moment, happiness came back with Xiaodouzi, Lin Guizhi ignored her, put down the tableware and entered his room. Xingfu didn't know that he made her mother-in-law angry, but Qinglai reminded her that Xingfu quickly went to explain to her mother-in-law.

Hearing that there might be blood lead poisoning, Lin Guizhi lost his anger, and the rest was all distressed for Xiaodouzi. Qinglai and Wanshantang had a smooth talk, but Wan Chuanjia asked Qinglai to persuade Xiuyu to be the spokesperson of the health care product factory, and he agreed to cooperate with Qinglai. But Qinglai just mentioned it to Xiuyu, and Xiuyu immediately refused, Qinglai had to let happiness help him to persuade Xiuyu. Happiness really persuades people. After listening to happiness, Xiuyu obviously did not resist being the spokesperson of the health care products factory. Xingfu and Sister Guo went to the county hospital to get the test report. Xiaodouzi's test report was fine, but the lead level in the blood of Sister Guo's child exceeded the standard.

Xingfu told Director Fang about the situation of Sister Guo's child. Director Fang thought it was the water problem, but he heard Xingfu said that the drainage of the health care product factory was no problem, so he thought there might be other sources of poison, so he suggested that it is best to do a group Screening to determine whether this is an individual phenomenon or a group poisoning. Later, Xingfu told Director Li Maoqin of Shuiwei Village about the group screening. He did not dare to touch this hot potato and asked Xingfu to go to Wanshantang to talk. Wanshantang meant to slow down for a while, because the results of the evaluation of Chuangfu Village will come out next month, and this fact is too busy.

Happiness is no longer forced, and I try to persuade the villagers to take their children to the hospital for blood lead tests. Unfortunately, the villagers are reluctant to do this test. Xingfu thought of another way. She asked Xiuyu to help make a leaflet about blood lead poisoning, and then asked Teacher Liu to help send it to parents to collect a list of people who would like to be checked. She also went to the county hospital to negotiate, and the hospital said that the time and department of the examination would be arranged. The jury of Chuangfu Village is about to come to Wanjiazhuang. Wanshantang attaches great importance to it. It held a meeting and assigned work tasks. Happiness responded positively, and also held a meeting of members of the travel agency.

The children's examination results came out. Twelve of the twenty-five children were lead poisoning. This was indeed a mass poisoning incident. Xingfu finished the phone call with Teacher Liu and noticed that Qinglai was taking well water. She remembered Director Fang's words again, and suddenly thought that the source of the poison might be well water. Xingfu contacted Mr. Li at the monitoring station. He learned that there were 12 children with blood lead poisoning. He immediately took it seriously and suggested that Xingfu should report to the environmental protection and disease control departments as soon as possible. Incorporated into the work schedule, he made happiness to make time to organize anyway.

Xingfu gave Xiuyu her speech just in case. If the delegation came and she happened to be away, she would let Xiuyu give the speech and report on her behalf.


