Recap Chinese Drama "Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty" Episode 26

Oct 10, 2022

Zeng joined the army and refused to participate in the God-viewing Ceremony because his schedule was fixed. This act angered Shen Chong, and he left in anger and took the Godly Wine with him. Gu Changshi reminded that tomorrow was the deadline for the case to be concluded, and Su Wuming said that he had found Governor Li. On the other hand, Tuo Shen also knew that Su Wuming would go to the island tomorrow, and ordered his subordinates to kill Su Wuming and Lu Yong who was in prison tomorrow. At the same time, Su Wuming also ordered everyone to do things one by one according to the plan.

The next day, Gu Changshi took the Ninghu officials to the island by boat, and Fei Jiji was found on the boat stealing the Divine Wine. Shen Chong ordered him to be imprisoned. Ze. Lu Lingfeng searched on the island and found the bloody tree, but because of the movement, a group of giant scorpions attacked. Lu Lingfeng avoided the attack and finally transferred to the bloody tree under the cliff. By chance, he saw the members of the Chamber of Commerce who came to rescue Lu Yong.

Su Wuming and the officials worshiped the God of Tuo, and then Shen Chong said that those who forgot their ancestors, blasphemed the gods, and fought against the shrine would all be thrown into the Lake of Thousand Tuo. The chicken master is good at drinking divine wine, and the two will also be raised alive in the Lake of Wan Tuo. The official Song Jiangbo scolded Tuoshen for arbitrarily deciding between life and death, and was ordered by Tuoshen to throw him into the Lake of Wan Tuo. Tuoshen wanted to take the opportunity to convict Su Wuming, but Lu Lingfeng came to stop him. Su Wuming rebuked Tuoshen for putting all those who opposed him to death, not only the merchants, but also the Sima and the army in the prefecture. Several people died of the giant Tuo. mouth.

Inspector Lee therefore wrote a memoir of the Tuo Shrine, but he made a fatal mistake of ignoring Zeng Jun, who seemed to oppose the Tuo Shrine. Although Inspector Li is dead, the record of Tuo Shrine is still there, which means that Inspector Li is also present. Su Wuming revealed on the spot that Tuoshen was Zeng Sanyi who had already entered office, because from the moment Tuoshen opened his mouth, he had determined that this person must be Zeng Sanyi. However, it was impossible to find detailed accounts from Tuo Shrine in the real records of Li Shishi, and he could only go to the public servants who joined the army in Sicang again and again to check the bottom line, which was also suspected by Zeng Sanyi. Later, at the official banquet, Shen Chong once said that Zeng Sanyi would be absent from the annual god-viewing ceremony, verifying that he was the one who pretended to be the goddess. Later, Master Fei Ji was entrusted by Su Wuming to give Zeng Sanyi an official ceremony, and he also smelled the fragrance of Tuoshen wine from his room.

Su Wuming took the bloody leaves found by Lu Lingfeng, indicating that the leaves can magnify the human figure several times under high temperature, which is why the fire altars are placed on both sides of the ceremony curtain all the year round. Lu Lingfeng chopped off the curtain with a knife, and sure enough, he saw Zeng Sanyi, who was pretending to be the God of Tuo. Zeng Sanyi recounted his past. He started at the end of the day and studied poetry and books hard. Every time he tried, he was at the top of the list, but every time he was named Sunshan. Just because he has no family background, looks ugly and has a rut, he is full of policies to govern the country and can't play it, so he can only be trapped in Ninghu as a small Sicang and join the army. Thirty years ago, he appeared as the God of Tui, just to make those officials who had entered office under the shadow of the door bow down in front of him. Zeng Sanyi used thirty years of money as a temptation to ask the disciples of Tuo Shrine to kill all the officials present.

The scene was chaotic for a time. Lu Lingfeng dealt with the disciples of Tuo Shrine with one against ten. Later, the people from the Chamber of Commerce came to join the battle and quickly controlled the disciples of Tuo Shrine, but Lu Lingfeng and others did not catch Zeng Sanyi. Then the cave collapsed, Su Wuming and the others all fell into the Swamp of Ten Thousand Tuo, Zeng Sanyi wanted to let everyone be buried in the belly. At a critical moment, Xijun and Xue Huan came here with Tianzhu incense and lit the Tianzhu incense and threw it into the hole, so that everyone could be saved from death. Zeng San sighed at Su Wuming's bad things, shot him with an arrow, and was protected by Cherry in the middle. Lu Lingfeng took over the advice brought by Pei Xijun.

Su Wuming once recounted Chu Xiaosheng's past from Cherry's mouth. Chu Xiaosheng studied hard when he was young, but his scientific examinations fell to Sunshan again and again. Fifteen years ago, after Chu Xiaosheng fell off the list again, he returned to his hometown and found that his wife was killed by the evil young Li Sandpiper J. , the Li family bribed the government to imprison Chu Si, the servant who sued the official, and poured molten iron into his throat, causing him to lose his voice. Later, Chu Xiaosheng handed over his daughter to his master and sneaked back to his hometown for revenge but was unsuccessful. Later, it was learned that Li Sandpiper had spent money to buy an official with an oblique seal, and secretly followed Li Sandpiper to the south, looking for an opportunity to poison him to death, and revise his identity to replace him.

Tuo is innocent, and the guilt is in the hearts of the people. Su Wuming ordered Gu Changshi to release all the oysters on Tuoshen Island. It is the way of heaven that people and all living beings live together naturally. Gu Changshi held a banquet to thank Su Wuming. Although many officials at the banquet used to be members of Tuo Shrine, but now the first evil has been eliminated, Su Wuming did not investigate the officials further.

After the cherry was cured, there was no problem. Su Wuming took her to worship Chu Xiaosheng. The name of Chu Xiaosheng's tomb was still in the name of Li Sandpiper. It was also what Chu Xiaosheng thought during his lifetime. Luozhou Gao Shishi sent an urgent letter from Dongdu, in which the court asked Su Wuming to rush to Luoyang.


