Kim Nam Gil Strikes A Witty And Pensive Pose In Photo Shoot

Mar 27, 2019


The handsome actor is currently working on the SBS drama The Fiery Priest. In the drama, Kim portrays as a rude Catholic priest Kim Hae Il. He creates a ruckus wherever he goes as well as becomes a nuisance to others. However, the priest means well in defending the truth. Prior to The Fiery Priest, Kim starred in Live Up to Your Name in 2017.



Sports Donga


On March 26, CJS Entertainment released Kim’s photos on its SNS channels. In the photos from the pictorial, Kim sports casual men’s clothing. He wears a comfortable off white jacket and off white pants. He stands straight and looks slightly off-camera with a serious look on his face.



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Sports Donga


Kim dabbled in minor roles at the beginning of his career. After going through name changes, he finally kept his birth name. Kim isn’t afraid to take risks in the roles he portrays. In fact, he even chose a homosexual role in the 2006 movie No Regret. 


Eventually, Kim landed his first starring role in the 2008 movie Portrait of a Beauty. This lead to another lead role in the historical drama The Great Queen Seondeok. Thanks to his own hard work, his popularity skyrocketed after the  most-watched drama of that year ended.


His current drama The Fiery Priest is airing on SBS every Friday and Saturday.




