Kim Dong Wook Writes Heartfelt Letter To Fans Following Marriage News

Aug 31, 2023

Kim Dong Wook has shared a sweet letter to fans following his marriage news!

On August 31, Kim Dong Wook shared the following letter on his agency’s Instagram account:

Hello, this is Kim Dong Wook!
Are you spending this hot and humid summer in good health?
I met a person with whom I will be navigating the next phase of my life together, and we will get married this coming winter.
I am writing to share the good news with all of you, who have always shown great love and interest in me, and to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.

I will always do my best to impress with a sense of responsibility both as an actor and as a person.

Once again, thank you all for your support and congratulatory messages!

From Kim Dong Wook.


Once again, congratulations to Kim Dong Wook and his fiancée!


Source: Soompi


