Review Korean Movie 2022 "Carter"

Aug 5, 2022

The movie begins with a man in a motel room who wakes up to find the CIA trying to catch him. While he is unable to recall his memories and is shocked by the situation he is in. However, he soon hears a voice which helps him escape the clutches of the CIA while putting him up for a mission.

Carter (2022) Review


As the movie proceeds, the man is unable to defy the voice in his head until he is able to get rid of the bomb. The curiosity to find out his identity is too tempting as he finally defies the voice and gives an agent from the CIA a chance to approach him. He soon gets back to his mission and goes through another round of running away from opposing forces.

The movie had done a good job of catching our attention with its trailer and bringing out excitement in the movie. There is no doubt that the trailer got our hopes up which may be one of the reasons why we are very disappointed with what we saw. The actors have definitely done a good job, but the illogical action scenes were a bummer.


Carter (2022) Review


Even if one did not watch the trailer, they would still find this a one-time watch only when you have nothing else to watch. The movie has numerous physics-defying action scenes that we just can’t come to accept and made this movie almost feel like a waste of time. Not to mention that the scene looked more like computer graphics.

It is evident that the actors have put a lot of effort into the movie, but the dizzying camera work and the ending have really put me off. This could’ve been better, especially with an amazing actor like Joo Won in the cast; but things don’t work out the way we want. Instead, the Good Doctor actor was directly made into a killing machine that knows what it is doing without his memories.

Carter (2022) Review


Summing Up: Carter (2022)

There is not much to say, with a talented director and an amazing actor this movie has failed to meet expectations. For the amount of blood that is seen flowing everywhere, the action was not up to par. The camera work was definitely not the worst thing as the action scenes take the top place in everything bad about the movie.

Carter is a movie for people who like illogical action, so if you are not one of them then skip the movie before it makes you want to hit your head somewhere.


