Recap Korean Drama "Today’s Webtoon" Episode 7

Aug 20, 2022

Today’s Webtoon Episode 7 begins with Ma-eum meeting Artist Baek’s assistant of ten years, Im Dong-hee early in the morning. He has been capturing landscapes to use them as a background for his webtoon. He asks Ma-eum to read his webtoon sometime and give him feedback. Ma-eum visits Artist Baek the next day but totally forgets that Artist Im had asked her to review his webtoon. She has to look after NEON’s artists first and asks Baek if Shin Dae-ryuk is doing well. Dae-ryuk is dedicated to his work but is socially awkward. He gets startled when Baek’s wife touches his shoulder.


Today's Webtoon Episode 7 Kim Se-jeong

Still from Today’s Webtoon Episode 7

Ma-eum gives vague feedback to Artist Im, not considering that he is looking for more. He has been trying hard for many years but has made a cut. Back at the office, Man-chul has been trying to persuade the CEO to give them a spot on the main page again and she asks him to make a presentation on why they deserve it.

Man-chul gives the responsibility to Jun-yeong because he is good at analysis and planning. He ignores Heo’s calls because he is not sure about him anymore. His presentation wins webtoon a spot back on the main page and Ji-hyun treats them to a nice meal.

Daeryuk comp broke. Artist Im has lost yet another webtoon competition and he has lost hope. He goes to the studio and reads Dae-ryuk’s webtoon. He gets chills after reading his webtoon and gets engrossed in it. He is already jealous of Dae-ryuk, not only because he has good skills but he has luck and a PD like Ma-eum on his side. He seems to be reaching his goal faster than Im ever did and he cannot see it.

He breaks his laptop and doesn’t show up the next day. Dae-ryuk panic calls Ma-eum but thankfully, she has most of his files backed up with her. After this, he realizes that he should stop trying so hard and finally decides to stop drawing webtoon and return to his hometown.

Today's Webtoon Episode 7 Kim Se-jeong

Still from Today’s Webtoon Episode 7

Im Dong-hee packs his things from Baek’s studio and thanks him for everything he has done for him so far. He bids farewell to his co-assistants but Dae-ryuk is more surprised than anyone to see him leave. He runs behind Dong-hee to return his laptop but Dong-hee gives it to Dae-ryuk instead. Dae-ryuk and Dong-hee had a hate relationship but both share affectionate words when it’s time to leave. Dae-ryuk is the only one who truly understood the theme behind Dong-hee’s webtoon which makes Dong-hee happy and he apologizes to Dae-ryuk for breaking his laptop.


Today’s Webtoon Episode 7 Ending

Youngtoon’s assistant editor has been calling Ji-hyun non-stop and shows up in front of him after he doesn’t pick up any of his calls. She speaks cryptically and says to meet often. Ma-eum felt bad about Dong-hee quitting webtoon and had even prepared a review document for him. Ji-hyung takes her out for drinks to lighten her mood and she learns a lesson which will help her in future if she remains a webtoon PD. They go out for dinner after drinks but see Artist Na with the assistant editor of Youngtoon which is alarming news for NEON.


Today’s Webtoon Episode 7 Review

Today’s Webtoon Episode 7 talks about dreams and luck. It is not easy to run after dreams because it is not certain if they will come true. For Dae-ryuk, life was pointless if he couldn’t draw webtoon and this is the kind of passion that Dong-hee lacked. The episode showed that only if Dong-hee respected himself, he wouldn’t be so miserable. He gave up on webtoon but as Ma-eum told him, he can excel at something else just like she did at being Webtoon PD after quitting Judo.


