Recap Chinese Drama "The Legendary Life of Queen Lau" Episode 12

Jun 29, 2022

In the rhythm class, Mrs. Wei asked Duan Yunzhang to play the piano for the students, Bai Yu was fascinated by it, and Jin Feng planned to fight Bai Yu for a while, so that Duan Yunzhang hated herself, so that she could go back to Xianpa Village Now, when Duan Yunzhang played the qin, he thought that he hoped that this beautiful rhythm would soothe the Queen's hostility.

After class, Bai Yu stopped Duan Yunzhang and let him decide for herself, saying that she lost a Zihao pen, and the queen would torture her. Jin Feng suddenly ran over and knocked Bai Yu to the ground, accusing her. She deliberately lost the Zihao brush that she had carefully selected for His Majesty. Duan Yunzhang saw that Jin Feng's temperament had changed drastically and became jealous, and she was delighted that she had a deep-rooted love for herself, and Jin Feng had to beat Bai Yu even when she was doing it. Duan Yunzhang stopped and said that Bai Yu should be punished for losing the affection that the queen was going to give her. Jin Feng reminded Duan Yunzhang that a person with a bottom line would definitely not allow the queen to be so vicious, but Duan Yunzhang said that she did the same. Because of her deep love for herself, Jin Feng was helpless and suggested that Bai Yu be punished for copying the Analects. Duan Yunzhang agreed to let Bai Yu copy it a hundred times, and no typos or omissions were allowed, otherwise it would be handed over to the queen. After Duan Yunzhang left, Bai Yu was angry that Jin Feng's plan failed, and Jin Feng quickly promised to help her copy together.

Back in the hall, Su Jingtang couldn't figure out why Duan Yunzhang condoned the queen to do whatever she wanted. Duan Yunzhong explained that it was just an illusion, he just wanted to calm down the conflict between the two, and he told Yun Zhong to pay more attention to Bai Yu in the future.

Jin Feng was frustrated that her plan to pretend to be an evil queen failed, and Duan Yunzhang did not play cards according to common sense. Su Fang suggested Bai Yu to study the latest masterpiece of the gold medal writer Qingfeng Mingyue's latest masterpiece, "Seeking Fate", which was recently in the palace. The fire was very hot, and Jin Feng looked like a treasure. After Bai Yu received the book in the evening, it was ridiculous that Jin Feng actually asked her to study the book she wrote to chase after His Majesty. At this time, Yunzhong came back and warned her not to harass His Majesty any more. Bai Yu murmured what bad idea Jin Feng had come up with. Duan Yunzhong accidentally saw the note on the ground and warned Bai Yu that if there is a next time, don't blame himself for being rude.

Duan Yunzhang asked Shuanzi to bring some snacks and handkerchiefs to the queen at night, saying that this was sacrificing himself for peace. Yun Zhong came back to report to Duan Yunzhang that he found that there seemed to be a conspiracy between Huang's sister-in-law and Bai Yu, and Huang's sister-in-law seemed to have given Bai Yu some idea, and also asked her to go to the Royal Garden to talk about it in Hai Shi. Duan Yunzhang remained calm and let Yun Zhong go back first.

In the evening, Bai Yu was about to go to an appointment. Jin Feng assured Bai Yu that Duan Yunzhang would never like him. He had to kick him out of the palace a few days ago. Bai Yu should not be deceived by his tricks, and Duan Yunzhang didn't like him at all regardless of his physique and personality. I don't know where his confidence comes from. Bai Yu happily said that His Majesty was completely in line with his own aesthetics. The two whispered about a new plan. Duan Yunzhang asked himself behind the pillar, was he that bad? When he returned to the bedroom, he saw that Shuan Zi had prepared something and was about to send it to the queen, so he was so angry that he kicked the basket over and prevented him from going.

Taifu Wei organized the students of Taiheyuan to leave the palace in micro-clothing, in twos and twos, to do at least one thing for the people, and everyone returned to the palace gate to gather before sunset. Jin Feng forcibly pulled Yun Zhongyao to join him, leaving Duan Yunzhang and Bai Yu as a group.

Duan Yunzhong was worried and followed Yunzhang all the time. Jin Feng was afraid that he would sabotage his plan, and lied that it would be fine to follow him, so that he could deal with Bai Yu's strategy. She stopped a little girl selling flowers on the street and taught her to sell flowers to the elder sister in front of her, so that the elder sister could give it to her brother. But after the little girl stopped Bai Yu, she didn't bring any money, so Duan Yunzhang had to buy flowers and give them to her.

Duan Yunzhang and Bai Yu passed by Qingyun Tower. Bai Yu proposed to eat and drink tea in the elegant seat. Duan Yunzhang found Yun Zhong and Jin Feng who were following behind him, and agreed immediately.

Because the store was full, Xiao Er arranged for Jin Feng Yunzhong and Duan Yunzhang Baiyu to join the table, Yun Zhong went to the toilet with a stomach upset, and after ordering, Xiao Er told the owner that they were married for a month, and there was a discount for any couple who went to the restaurant together to check out. , Jin Feng asked Xiao Er to guess whose husband Duan Yunzhang was? She gestured to Xiao Er to say Bai Yu, but she didn't expect Xiao Er didn't understand, and said that she could help her with eye drops if she had problems with her eyes. Jin Feng had to use her mouth to signal, and Xiao Er asked her if she could help find a doctor if she had a cramp in her mouth. Jin Feng switched to using She gestured with her hand, but Xiao Er was still puzzled. Jin Feng had no choice but to let Xiao Er guess by herself. When she saw Xiao Er pointed at her, she quickly sent him to serve the dishes. After Xiao Er left, Duan Yunzhang wondered that Jin Monster was still dying for himself yesterday, but today he doesn't even want to do it as a husband and wife. Jin Feng lied that he was joking with Xiao Er, and of course they had to keep secrets when they left the palace today.

On the street, Su Jingtang felt that the relationship between the Queen and Her Majesty was not as simple as they saw, and suggested that he and Chai Tiezhou should not get involved. The two saw that the officers and soldiers had set up a porridge shed for the temple fair visitors, so they went over to help with the porridge.

While waiting for the food, Bai Yu, encouraged by Jin Feng, walked to Duan Yunzhang who was standing by the window and praised him as an upright and benevolent monarch. Unfortunately, there were no people around him who understood his situation and troubles with him. Duan Yunzhang asked if he He has lived in dire straits all these years? Bai Yu quickly explained, but Duan Yunzhang didn't want to hear it and urged everyone to eat quickly.

At the dinner table, Jin Feng leaned her legs on the stool, eating vulgarly. She grabbed Duan Yunzhang's chopsticks and wanted to take it away, saying that he didn't need to be restrained when he left the palace, and he could eat without chopsticks. Duan Yunzhang grabbed it with the other hand. She stopped Bai Yu's chopsticks and didn't let her use them. The three of them were in a stalemate. Duan Yun came back again. He quickly brought the chopsticks and Duan Yunzhang gave up. After a while, a table of admirers of Bai Yu came to the next seat. Some people talked about Bai Yu's talent and appearance, which made him fall in love. Jin Feng encouraged Bai Yu to prove his charm in the past. 's signature, at a critical juncture, Duan Chongyun took action to protect Bai Yu from slipping away.

When checking out, the shopkeeper told that the reason for the escape of the two tables was because they were chasing friends of Jinfeng and Yunzhang. They should pay for the three tables. Duan Yunzhang and Jinfeng were still not enough. Duan Yunzhang said that they were husband and wife. Jin Feng said that she could stay and wash the dishes to pay off the debt, but Yunzhang said that he could too. The two were arguing. There is another way to introduce them to make money.

The shopkeeper called the two to the event on the street, and encouraged the two to participate in the event. The husband and wife won the prize together, and the prize money was enough to create 30 tables. He saw that their quarrel was actually a new way to show affection. The enthusiastic shopkeeper Involuntarily, he signed up for the two of them.

On the street, Su Jingtang saw Duan Yunzhong pulling Bai Yu to run, wondering how Bai Yu and the Second Highness got together, he really didn't understand the royal affairs.

After Duan Yunzhang and Jin Feng took the stage, the host asked the contestants to smell the fragrance of the flowers and identify the flowers in the box. At this time, Jin Feng saw Duan Yunzhong and Bai Yu hiding in the crowd, and the group of admirers followed closely behind. , she had an idea and yelled at those people to eat and escape, scaring them to run away. After that, Jin Feng announced his retirement.


